

翩翩老師是牧村親子教室創辦人。紐約大學幼教碩士畢業、擁有AMS蒙特梭利3-6歲證書、13年園長經歷及兩本著作「蒙特梭利教養進行式」、「用同理心解鎖孩子的情緒」。翩翩認為幼兒教育的本身:"做孩子的跟隨者,理解他們的需要,幫助他們面對自己的未來"。 翩翩老師自己也是三個孩子(雙胞胎兄弟和妹妹)的媽媽。 Mella is the founder of the Montville Parent-Child center. She graduated with a master's degree in early childhood education from New York University and has an AMS Montessori 3-6-year-old certificate. Mella has over 13 years of experience as a kindergarten principal and published two popular parenting books, "Montessori Parenting Progressive" and "Unlocking Children's Emotions with Empathy." Mella believes that early childhood education itself as the Montessori motto"Be a follower of children, understand their needs, and help them create their future." Mella is also the mother of three children (twin brother and sister).


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