2-14個月的孩子正經歷了生理和心理的最大發展,他們從媽媽的子宮過渡到外面的世界。從新生兒成長為嬰幼兒。 在這一年的時間裡,孩子從躺著,發展到爬,坐,站立和行走。除了大肢體gross motors的發展外,同時,這一年,孩子經歷了很多精細動作,心理層面的發展。
課程內容共 6 個單元•總時數約 1.4 小時
小花蒙兒-小小蒙特梭利社群(Petite Blumen- Little Montessori Community)是一個從蒙特梭利教育理念出發的育兒分享平台。在這裡,爸媽們可以一起探索、學習和分享兒童的成長過程。 為人父母可以說是最有成就感,但同時卻又最負挑戰性的工作。每天面對孩子時,我們常常遇到大大小小的挑戰, 為人父母是一個終生旅程。Petite Blumen(小花)希望可以為您提供一個分享和參與平台,使您的育兒經驗昇華為極富意義的人生閱歷。
"Petite Blumen" is a community that puts Montessori philosophy into action. Modern parents can discover, learn, and share about children's development in this community. Parenting is certainly the most rewarding and yet challenging work ever, and parenthood is a life-long journey. Our mission with "Petite Blumen" is to support you, making your parenting experience the most rewarding one!
當媽前是海外金融業,當媽後是24小時服務業,AMI 0-3歲師資培訓,推廣在家蒙特梭利。
Before becoming a mother, Doris worked in the financial industry overseas. After becoming a mother, she started thinking that she is working in a 24-hour service industry, full-time "serving the family." Doris holds AMI 0-3 years diploma, dedicating promoting Montessori at home.
Ivy's house 親子空間線上課程,是Ivy's house 親子空間推出最新產品。我們在線上延伸了在親子空間所進行的蒙特梭利的親子活動。在不能親身到親子空間上課的時候,我們還是和孩子家長一起繼續體驗學習蒙特梭利教育。
Ivy's house life online course is the latest product of Ivy's house life parent-child center. Online courses are offered to parents who can not visit the parent-child center personally. Ivy's house life parent and chid center and Petite Blumen carefully designed the courses together, aligning with Montessori pedagogy. Parents can experience and learn about Montessori in a home environment without geographic boundaries.